See this sunsky forum thread for discussion of this.
The sunsky concept is from a Utah university research paper. It is a method for inexpensively generating realistic sky textures. Currently Blender supports two versions of sunsky, but only for yafaray. I needed a texture plugin for Blender’s internal renderer, so I am trying to convert from yafaray.
I think that the implementation is accurate, it produces some decent results for now. Anyone wishing to contribute or make suggestions should see the sunsky forum thread.
- Download sunsky-texture-plugin-20090920-5.tar.gz – This is for building the plugin. After extracting, you will have a ‘plugins’ directory. Makefile is in there.
- sunsky.c – Texture plugin source code.
- – C++ modified sunsky from yafaray, supposed to calculate colors
- – binary compiled on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
- sunsky-example.jpg – Test render with cube.
Some calculations have been added to automatically calculate the sun’s position from date/time/lat/lon inputs. It doesn’t work at all. Feel free to work out what is wrong with that function. It works via manual method anyways so it’s just a bonus. The next things to do are to try and implement Darksky’s sunsky and see if this can be done as a skybox as well.
Older Releases (may work better)
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